Monday 17 September 2007

First Day

This is something new for me. I confess I like to talk, anyone who knows me can attest to the fact.
I hope at least some of what I do say is of some interest. Speaking of interests I enjoy Horticulture and long walks.

This year I tried a new plant Gaura Lindheimeri. It's a perennial with long flowering stems. The flowers look like tiny butterflies fluttering around. Very pretty, but needs some support in the garden as it grows to about 3 feet. It did great in a container and is still blooming. The one in my back garden is huge adding some needed height to the back.

I recently planted Cosmos atrosanguineus, dark chocolate scented cosmos. The flowers really do smell like dark chocolate in the hot sun. Who can resist! (Very hard to find though.) It's a tender perennial ,so if it takes the winter ok , I may see it again next year. We're Zone 8 here.

Black Viola's anyone? Another great perennial ( I seem to be into more perennials these days) I planted it around April and it's still blooming. I gave it a cut around June, so it's not too leggy. Hoping for more fullness next year. (takes a good 3 years I hear.)

Another fav is
Calibrachoa. I like finding new colours. They bloom forever (at least until end of October here) if kept fertilized. I also plant tomatoes in pots every year. Not a good year - I did ignore them quite a bit (self watering pots helped) the result,very few tomatoes. A dozen or so Christmas grape cherries and a dozen Green Zebras. (there is next year!)

5 Gardening or Inspiration:

MeMeMe said...

about your Gaura Lindheimeri. When you can, could you post a picture of it, or email me a picture? I am thinking of adding this to my yard someday. I just don't know where yet.

a friend said...

I posted a couple more pictures of my Gaura from my back yard. The page is titled Guara.

MeMeMe said...

hello friend!!!! so it's you... thank you for dropping by my blog and yes i saw your gaura. I saw your evergreens too and I think, I will add more of them to my garden next season.

I also have to look up the ORGANIZER magazine.

Take care and God bless and I'll drop by again.

MeMeMe said...

i love violas. i did see some black ones on my last nursery trip this season, but i got the violets because i wasn't sure the black ones would go with what i had in my patio bed. i am so in love with violas. it's my first time to try.

i love vancouver, i don't know where langley is, but i dream of going back with my husband and child someday. they haven't been there.

(i'm lazy to type capital letters by the way...)

a friend said...

Langley is about 1 hour east of Vancouver.